Grateful for Support

Queen Lauren Rawley and Princesses Aracili Esquivel and Deana Lohnes

The Oroville May Festival Royalty, Queen Lauren Rawley and Princesses Aracili Esquivel and Deana Lohnes, are expressing their appreciation to everyone that came out and supported the spaghetti fundraiser and auction they put on Saturday, April 8. The are also grateful to those that donated food for the dinner and for the desserts that were auctioned. The dinner and auction brought in $1,445 to help with expenses for the parades they will be attending.

Submitted photos

Submitted photos

The Oroville May Festival Royalty, Queen Lauren Rawley and Princesses Aracili Esquivel and Deana Lohnes, are expressing their appreciation to everyone that came out and supported the spaghetti fundraiser and auction they put on Saturday, April 8. The are also grateful to those that donated food for the dinner and for the desserts that were auctioned. The dinner and auction brought in $1,445 to help with expenses for the parades they will be attending.

Queen Lauren Rawley and Princesses Aracili Esquivel and Deana Lohnes
