Update: Six confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Okanogan County

OKANOGAN – The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Okanogan County is now six, with three in the Methow Valley, two on the Colville Indian Reservation and one in South County, according to the latest update from Okanogan County Public Health. Of the 226 samples sent for testing, 51 tests are still pending.

The following is the information, which was released Friday, April 3 through Okanogan County Emergency Managements Alert System:


April 3, 2020

Okanogan County Public HealthAs of 4 p.m. on April 3, in Okanogan County, the COVID-19 test results include:

  • 6 Confirmed Cases
  • 226 Samples Sent for Testing
  • 169 Negative Test Results
  • 51 Test Results Pending

Okanogan County Public Health is reporting 2 new cases today.  This brings the total confirmed case count in Okanogan County to 6.  Cases are from the following parts of the County:

2 Colville Indian Reservation
3 Methow Valley
1 South County

The next COVID-19 Update from Okanogan County Public Health will be Monday afternoon.

Stay Home, Stay Health Order Extended

Yesterday, Governor Inslee announced a month-long extension of his “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” emergency order.  The order, which banned all gatherings and temporarily shuttered non-essential businesses, will continue through May 4th.

This necessary step was taken to continue to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.  During this time it is imperative to follow these orders.

  • Non-essential businesses must be closed.
  • No gatherings of any kind
  • Limit your trips out for essential things like the grocery store by planning ahead
  • Limit the number of people that go on errands together (e.g. if possible, only have one family member go to the grocery store)
  • Maintain social distancing – keep 6 feet between yourself and others
  • Wash your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer
  • Stay home as much as possible
  • Avoid all non-essential travel

Some are at Higher Risk, but Everyone is at Risk

It is incredibly necessary that everyone take these measures seriously.  Certain people are at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19 including people over 60, pregnant women, people with chronic medical conditions or who are immunocompromised. However, everyone is at risk for serious illness and death from COVID-19.

Seven percent of deaths in Washington State are people between the ages of 20-59.

source: Washington State Department of Health

Reporting Violations of the Order

  • Gatherings: Violations of the no gatherings order, can be reported to your local police department. Do NOT call 911 to report a violation.
  • Non-essential business: To report non-essential business violations, use the Governor’s Complaint form at: https://bit.ly/3bUXa93.

DOH Call Center 1-800-525-0127 Press # after the prompt