BPA offers some rate relief to power customers

Power sales over budget for first time this year

OKANOGAN – Some rate relief from Bonneville Power Administration will come soon, Okanogan County PUD commissioners heard in their July 6 meeting.

BPA will suspend its financial reserves surcharge to its power customers through September 2021. Okanogan PUD receives about two-thirds of its power from BPA. BPA customers should see about $33 million in total savings, with Okanogan PUD saving about $350,000 over the 15-month period.

Director of Power Resources and Broadband Services Ron Gadeberg said the district’s wholesale power sales in June fell under budget $43,557, due to negative pricing on the market when dams were pumping more water through to achieve dissolved gas levels for fish. However, retails power sales were over budget for the first month this year by $84,392. In total, revenue from power sales is still about $1 million under budget year to date.

In other business, the board:

  • Heard from Gadeberg that broadband customers continue coming online, with a total of 3,386 end users now on the system.
  • Heard from General Manager Steve Taylor that the district is working on further compliance with state mandates, including updating information on the district website regarding ratepayer assistance plans. Staff continue to work out payment arrangements with customers and refer them to agencies that can assist with bills. PUD offices are open Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Approved two resolutions for the surplus of old equipment in both the telecom and operations departments.