WENATCHEE – Learn about the Cosmic Crisp® apple that took more than 20 years to develop by the Washington apple industry on Thursday, March 26 between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. at Badger Mountain Brewing, 1 Orondo Ave., Wenatchee.
Presenter Kate Evans, a pome fruit breeder, is one of the WSU researchers who helped to develop this delicious fruit. Evans will discuss and offer insight into the process and background of the Cosmic Crisp® project.
This is a free event with donations gratefully accepted benefiting Wenatchee River Institute (WRI) youth and adult programs. $1 raffle tickets will also be sold for Badger Mountain Brewing and WRI goods. For more information, contact Rachel Bishop at 509-548-0181 x5 rbishop@wenatcheeriverinstitute.org
Event link and registration here: https://wenatcheeriverinstitute.org/event-calendar.html/event/2020/03/26/science-on-tap-cosmic-crisp/281943