TONASKET – On Tuesday, Oct. 29, there will be a special meeting to discuss the “Perfect Passage” US97/Whitcomb Avenue Downtown Corridor Redevelopment Project from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Tonasket City Hall.
The goal is to redevelop the downtown corridor to better serve the citizens of Tonasket and businesses along Whitcomb Ave. by creating better public spaces for people to congregate, entice travelers to stop and shop in the city, spur private investment, create more business opportunities and improve the local retail, commercial, and hospitality industry.
Residents of the city and business owners along US97/Whitcomb Ave. through Tonasket are invited to attend an Open House to present the current planning efforts to redevelop US97/Whitcomb Ave through the City to include:
Reduce seasonal flooding, improve stormwater collection and treatment
Replace aging underground utilities (water/sewer) – Increase pedestrian access and safety, improve street lighting and add trees
Increase parking and ADA accessibility
Add enhancement to improve curb side appeal to entice travelers to “stop and shop.”
When and where?