Letters to the Editor, August 23, 2012

Tough decisions at NVH

Dear Editor,
To the community: North Valley Hospital continues to struggle with paying its debt to the county. While the County Treasurer and County Commissioners have been very supportive and understand the struggles we face as a Rural Healthcare Facility, they are expecting our debt to be paid in full by Dec. 31, 2013. This will not be possible if we do not make multiple changes in our operations to increase revenue and cut expenses.
We stand by our mission to “Provide trusted, compassionate, professional health care for our communities.” However, some difficult decisions must be made in order to secure the future of the Mission. We must look not only at the needs of our communities, but which of those needs put us at risk for closure and which will move us forward. Our Vision of “World Class Healthcare Close to Home” is in the forefront as we move forward and essential to our growth and stability.
I assure you that our goals going forward are to keep needed healthcare services in the communities we serve, be an employer for those who reside in North Okanogan County, and be financial secure.
The public, as always, is welcome to attend our Board Meetings, the second and last Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Administrative Board Room.
The Board of Commissioners and I are committed to keep both the staff of the NVH Campus and the communities we serve informed of the changes that affect any services we currently provide. We appreciate the support and trust you have always shown for NVH District and ask for your continued support, as well as your understanding and trust in the Leadership of the Hospital District, as we make tough decisions to secure the future of healthcare for the communities we serve.
Linda Michel
North Valley Hospital


Dear Editor,
Philosophy, which is the study of thoughts, generally speaking, and Wisdom, which is the behavioral application of philosophy directly into our daily lives, are at present the only means visible that can lead the great citizens of America into becoming even better individuals, which in turn will improve our society.
So, our national and most state governments barely function, if at all. Using an analogy, dispensing with severely unwise politicians at all levels is similar to being on a sea-going vessel engaged with a severe ocean storm in the middle of winter.
The path is dangerous, and a successful transit over a vast distance is not guaranteed. Nevertheless, the wise will always know what is waiting for him/her on the other side of the storm, which is long overdue political and economic reformation by allowing all legal American citizens of this great country to have direct domestic political decision making power (on the six to ten truly important domestic issues) via the ballot box.
Politicians and judges would be delegated to the sidelines, with the authority to observe only, while we decide which is right for our stagnating nation and ourselves.
Is anyone willing to sign up for a perilous voyage?
Ray Gattavara
Sumner, Wash.