Photo by Emily HansonTim Cork, the head softball coach for Tonasket High School, teaches one the girls on the last day of the sports camp how to hit a softball off the tee properly.
TONASKET – The second year of the Tonasket High School sports camp was successful last week, with the number of participating increasing.
“Last year we had 45 kids and the cost was $30 for the week, this year the cost was $10 and we had 60 kids,” Kevin Terris, THS athletic director, said. “The number one goal of the camp is to expose Tonasket kids to what we have to offer in the athletic programs at an earlier age so when they reach the high school program, they’re more excited to try-out for something. One the main objectives of the high school athletics program is to get kids to participate.”
Terris said the camp was definitely a success and an improvement over last year’s camp. He said the $10 admission fee gets the kids a camp T-shirt, a DVD of the sports they played all week and a certificate. The kids were dropped off by their parents at 9 a.m. each morning and picked up at noon. Terris said the only sport the kids were not exposed to during the week was wrestling because head wrestling coach Dave Mitchell does his own camp.
“All the head coaches volunteer their time,” Terris said. “We wouldn’t be able to do this without them.”
Also volunteering to help with the program were high school athletes Shelby Olma, Megan Rawley, David Goyette, Kevin Aitcheson, Corbin Moser, Spencer Podkranic, Keegan McCormick, Mo Brown, Corey McCrarey and Shelby Scott. Terris said Scott helped with the camp each day.