Photo by Terry MillsThe Tonasket High School Winterfest Royalty at Winterfest on Friday, March 13. From left to right, the royalty are: freshman Vanessa Martinez escorting Freshman Prince Kevin Aitcheson, sophomore Haley Grillo escorting Sophomore Prince
TONASKET – With an imovie slide show and talent interspersed among the categories, Tonasket High School students and Tonasket community members were given awards during the THS Winterfest Walk of Fame Award Show on Friday, March 13.
An imovie created and run by senior Brandon Wahl as his senior project accompanied the award show. Talent performances among the awards were included as part of senior Dana Pryor’s senior project.
The first award, Most Talented, was presented by David Goyette and Haley Grillo and was awarded to Lee Leavell. Most Athletic, presented by Josh McDaniel and Austin Olma, went to Keegan McCormick. Most Daring, presented by Goyette and Jayden Hawkins, went to Lucio Maldonado. Kathylea Gibson and Blake Long presented Most School Spirit to Hawkins.
As part of her senior project, Christina Ortiz then performed a piece on the piano which she wrote herself.
Most Accident Prone was awarded to McDaniel by Deven Sprague and was accompanied by a graphic short movie featuring McDaniel’s lost toes. Brandi Wilson was awarded Most Sensational Style by Hawkins and Haley Bayless. Best Academic Achiever, presented by Karen Keeton and Shelby Olma, went to Allison Welton. David Sanchez was award Amazingly Artistic, presented by Michelle Carlson.
As the next talent act, Michael Salzman then sang for the audience.
Next, the Winterfest Royalty was announced. Freshman Prince Kevin Aitcheson was escorted to the stage by Vanessa Martinez. Sophomore Prince Zach Neal was escorted by Haley Grillo. Megan Newton escorted Junior Prince Terrell Cross. Senior Prince Kevin Cruz was escorted by Melissa Martinez. Finally, Senior King Wahl was escorted by Miss T Veronica Puente.
Hawkins and Bergh then announced Jay Hawkins, head football coach, as the Coach of the Year. Since he wasn’t able to attended, Hawkins accepted the award on her father’s behalf.
Bodie Cabiyo was awarded Most Eligible Bachelor, presented by Ashlyn Salzman and Kat Howerton. Most Eligible Bachelorette was awarded to V. Martinez and was presented by Puente and Ortiz. Grillo and Keeton then presented Most Supportive Staff Member to Anita Asmussen. Most Supportive Community Member, presented by Shelby Olma and Rachel Hutchins, was awarded to Tina Silverthorn.
Aaron Doner then performed the song “Starlit” on his guitar as the next talent performance.
Most Likely Never to Leave Tonasket, presented by Gibson and McDaniel, was awarded to Chas Jones. Carlson presented Most Likely to Walk Into a Glass Door to Robby Dahlquist. Most Likely to Sleep Through College, presented by V. Martinez and Aitcheson, was awarded to Brandon Hudson. The Beautiful Eyes award, presented by A. Olma and McDaniel, was then awarded to Colton Ayers.
The next talent performance was Michelle Timmerman playing the piano for the audience.
Best Attendance, presented by April Webber and Amber Allen, was awarded to Russell Perry. Sweetest Smile, presented by Ortiz and Puente, went to Newton. Robin Redtail and Bergh then presented Ryker Marchand with the award for Best Laugh. Biggest Flirt, prestned by Redtail and Ortiz, went to Emmaline Hickman.
Joe Martinez then danced to a Chris Brown song as the next talent performance.
Class Clown, presented by Brandon Norris and Brandon Sawyer, went to Josh Newton. Maldonado and Andrew Grillo then won the Shipwrecked Favorites, presented by S. Olma and Bayless. Wahl and Puente then won Cutest Couple and Always Seen Together, presented by H. Grillo and Keeton and Vasyl Shepella and S. Olma, respectively.
As the final talent performance for the night, Brock Hires performed John Michael Montgomery’s “Be My Baby Tonight.”