David Albert Farrar
David Albert Farrar wandered into this world in Seattle, Wash., on Nov. 17, 1949, thanks to Lucille Walters and Donald Farrar, and has now rejoined them in heaven.
Dave worked a variety of jobs and was actually an entrepreneur before the term was ever dreamed up. He discovered the Okanogan in 1972, already a traveler, an inventor and a creator. At the ripe young age of 23, Dave left the city and moved to the hills of Mt. Hull where he built a house and enjoyed a simple life, living off the land and getting by on a very small income. His mother thought he was crazy, but his sister, Julie, said he was the bravest man she’d ever known.
Dave always had big dreams…some came true…while others were just things to talk about with friends and share with his children. Dave owned a number of local businesses including The Grotto and the Washington Storage Shed Company.
Dave’s real love of life was playing music, and was a well known and respected rock drummer and singer with numerous local bands including the fabulous Great National Pastime Band.
Dave is survived by his sister, Julie Karamanas; brother, Owen Farrar; two sons: Justin Farrar, (wife Mandy, and children Kindra and Zachary), Jesse Farrar (wife Jessica and daughter Nariah); loving daughter and jewel of his life Ashley, (her children: Evan, Ely and Kaelyn); longtime companion, business partner and mother of the three children, Lila Kitterman; step daughter, Heidi Kitterman Gilpin, (husband Max, and daughter Alivia); stepfather, Lyle Fordyce; and numerous other extended family members and friends.
Dave is and will be missed by many. Please God help his children with strength and encouragement to go on with their lives in a positive manner like Dave would want for them.
Join his family and friends on May 12 at The Shop Tavern at 12 p.m. Music by Cary Fly and guests. Come one come all. Many of the talented musicians that shared the stage with Dave during his life will be playing music during the afternoon. Please feel free to come and join the Celebration of Life Festivities.