Speed kills – Slow down
            On Hwy. 7,Oroville, there are so many drivers that cannot read or just don’t care aboutspeed limit signs. Numerous people that live on Hwy. 7 have called theSheriff’s Department hoping that we can get this problem solved with some radaror the presence of a patrol car in different locations.
            DrivingHwy. 7 south to the Ellisforde Cut-off Road, it’s not unusual to see three orfour cats or dogs dead on the side of the road; these are our pets! Driving theposted speed limit could eliminate most of this killing!
            On Monday,June 6, my friend’s little black cat ran out to the end of her driveway togreet her, a speeding car actually swerved to hit her cat, her pet, this persondid not slow down a bit. The poor little cat’s head was smashed, he was dead.My friend was so upset, she didn’t get the license plate number, her concern wasfor her pet. Thank goodness this was not one of her little grandkids that ranout to say, “Hi Grandma!”
            We realizethat there are much bigger problems around here for the law enforcementofficers, but these drivers that do not obey the posted speed limit signs maydo so if they may do so if they received a hefty fine!
            Please slowdown before there is a child killed.
June Bardonski
Future of Oroville landmark
            A Letter tothe Community: For the past 97 years… since 1914, The Peerless has been anintegral part of the Oroville community, as a hotel, as a restaurant, and mostespecially as the most unique meeting place in North Central Washington.
            This springhas been no exception, as The Peerless has hosted the Oroville High Schoolprom, the Community School’s Fashion Show, and most recently the 6th GradePromotion Dance. Over the years, The Peerless has been “the place” for birthdayparties, sport’s banquets, class reunions, wedding receptions, dinner theatres,family gatherings after a passing and countless other events and celebrations.
            Anyone whohas lived in the area for any length of time, has enjoyed the classic beauty ofthis historic building. Most everyone knows of my personal commitment to ourcommunity and my willingness and desire to contribute in any manner to helpmaintain and enhance our wonderful quality of life. As “The Voice of Oroville,”I have worked for over 25 years to add color and flair to sports events,benefit auctions, May Festival, etc. and have been honored as an “OrovilleCitizen of the Year,” as well as having received many, many personal thanksfrom the people of our fine community.
            Most folkswho are acquainted with me, know of my desire to maintain The Peerless as aspecial part of this area. Most people know that for the past 13 years of thisbuilding’s history, Lila and I dedicated ourselves and worked to improve andreestablish the structure itself, upgrading the facility and the equipment, sothat the building will continue to serve its function as a centerpiece ofdowntown Oroville.
            While notoperating the restaurant over the past several years, we have continued touphold our part of Oroville’s Streetscape, so that visitors and newcomers viewour town as a thriving entity, not a ghost town. A day doesn’t pass that when Idrive by The Peerless, someone isn’t peering in to see if it is open or justcurious as to what is happening in this prestigious structure.
            The recentdownturn of the national economy has affected all of us, and I am no exception.The ongoing expense, without being open as a commercial enterprise, is finallytaking its toll. My dream to reopen and maintain this historic landmark has notdiminished, but my ability to independently fund this project has stretched meto the max and I cannot continue along the same path.
            This letterto the community is my request for input and ideas, as to how we can keep ThePeerless as an integral part of the North Okanogan scene. I have a solid plan,which can be implemented, that can contribute jobs for our local economy, andonce again make The Peerless shine as the “Jewel” of downtown Oroville… but Ineed help. I know that with a little assistance, creative ideas, and solidconcepts, we can make this a reality. I am eagerly available at any time, by phoneor in person, to receive input from anyone and everyone who shares my desireand belief that this beautiful building should remain a cornerstone of ourcommunity.
Thank you,
Ken Neal
A tax whose time has come
    Some members of Congress areproposing a tax on stock transactions. Such a tax would have very littleimpact on most of those buying and selling stocks because of proposedtax limitations on ordinary transactions.
stock transactions tax would incurextra costs mostly to those who are speculating by perpetually buying andselling the same stocks multiple times a day. It’s what’s known as’churning’. Those engaged in that practice usually turn a small profit on eachtransaction, but make many millions on sheer weight of trading volume. Ifail to see how churning benefits anyone but the speculators.
    Even though a stocktransactions tax, as has been proposed, would be .0025%, it would havenegligible effect on most investors. It’s estimated that a stock transactionstax would generate about $50 to $100 billion dollars a year in tax revenue– no small piece of change!
    It would be nice to see suchadditional revenue go towards payment of our national debt instead of into thepockets of Wall Street speculators.
Paul G. Jaehnert
Vadnais Heights, Minn.