Good to see lots of participation for local offices
There are several open local positions on the school boardsand city councils for Oroville and Tonasket in the next election, which has aprimary on Aug. 16 and general on Nov. 8. In fact, all five of the director’spositions for Oroville’s school board were open due to two terms ending andthree members being appointed since the last elections for their positions tookplace. Three of the directors’ positions on the Tonasket School Board are openas well.
It’s good to see that some folks have stepped up and throwntheir hats in the ring for these and other open local offices in the 2011election. All those who put themselves up for public office for these kinds oflocal positions need to be applauded as serving on city councils and otherlocal boards isn’t always easy and can take up lots of time.
During filing week June 6 to June 10, a total of 115candidates filed for the 134 open positions in all the local elections. That’san encouraging result and maybe we will fill in the few open positions duringthe Special Filing Period June 15 to 17.
For Oroville School Board we have multiple candidates forfour out of five of the director’s positions. In Position 1, Christina Risewould like to be considered for the position currently held by incumbent TediFletcher who is seeking a return to the board. In Position 3, Scott Rich ischallenging incumbent Amy Wise. For Position 4 we have the current incumbent, arecent board appointee, Patti Garrett and Brian Swensen and Phil Barker. ForPosition 5 we have three relatively new candidates, albeit one, TimothyWhiteaker, has been on the board before but found out he was not living in theright district for the position. He is joined by Anne Marie Ricevuto and RockyDeVon (full disclosure, Rocky is my cousin) in seeking that seat on the board.In Position 2, Dave Nutt, a past board member, would like to serve again.
For the Tonasket School board there are two incumbentsseeking a return to office, Cathrerine Stangland in Position 1 and JerryAsmussen in Position 5. Ty Olson is seeking the Position 3 school director’sspot.
There’s just one race that developed for Tonasket CityCouncil, Ron Martell wants to unseat incumbent Jill Vugteveen in CouncilPosition 3. Incumbents are also seeking a return in the three other council positions.Scott Olson is running for Position 2, Julianna Griffen for Position 4 andSelena Hines for Position 5.
Incumbents are seeking returns in all three of the openOroville City Council positions – Ed Naillon for Position 3, Walt Hart III forPosition 4 and Neysa Roley for Position 5.
The same can be said for the North Valley Hospital Board,where Clarice Nelson seeks a return to Position 2 and Helen Casey to Position4.