Crescent Mountain Fire: Crews and aircraft held the fire at the Buttermilk ridge control line. Structural assessments of homes continue in the Libby Creek area near Carlton. Fire crews also continue to monitor fire within the North Cascades National Park, with aircraft expected to address any fire activity at high elevations.
McLeod Fire: The fire was most active yesterday in the Deer Creek area. Crews concentrated their efforts on holding the fire in this area and strengthening control lines. As fire slowly backed down to Eight-Mile Road, crews worked to hold the control line. Changing weather conditions today will provide for better firefighting conditions and allow firefighters the opportunity to make progress.
Holman Fire: This fire is located in the Pasayten Wilderness of the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. There is a forest closure in effect, which includes the Pacific Crest Trail, closed from Hart’s Pass to the Canadian border.
Evacuations: Crescent Mountain Fire: A Level 3 (GO now) evacuation is in effect for all persons living west of the Little Bridge Creek Intersection in the Twisp River Valley – evacuate NOW, do not wait. A Level 2 (get SET) evacuation is in effect for persons living west of Newby Creek Road to Little Bridge Creek Road in the Twisp River Valley. All persons in the vicinity, including Poorman and Libby Creek areas, are advised to be ready, thinking about what to do if evacuated and preparing defensible space around structures and assets (Firewise.org). The Red Cross has a shelter available at the Methow Valley Community Center in Twisp. No evacuations are in effect for the McLeod or Holman Fires.