Members of the “Chesaw Cheaters,” including Chesaw Rodeo Queen Kristana, pass a ball from one to another as part of the Challenge Games held at this year’s Molson Midsummer Festival held last Saturday. The Cheaters won this challenge, but came in se
OROVILLE – Even the rain couldn’t keep people away from the Molson Midsummer Festival last Saturday.
“We had a good turnout… they served over 200 for breakfast at the Grange Hall,” said Joyce Forthun, one of the organizers for this unique annual family-friendly event. “All the events took place including the kids and the Challenge Games, with the exception of Frisbee golf because it was a litte too wet.”
Forthun said it was somewhat harder finding wildflowers this year to decorate the Maypole because of the colder weather. She said the flowers, usually gathered during the Fun Walk/Run, had to be imported from further a field this year.
In addition to the breakfast, served by members of the Molson Grange, the morning started with the Midsummer Walk/Run. In the One Mile Youth category Kally Ray took first place and in the One Mile Adult category it was Art Sherling, first place; Scott Forthun, second place and Bud Forthun, third place. In the Three Mile Youth division Conner and Hunter Forthun tied for first place and Sheridan Blasey was second. For the adults Kirk Johnson was first and Jessica Blasey was second.
The car show, which was held near the Old Schoolhouse Museum attracted several entrants with the Model A Fords sweeping the first two places as voted by those in attendance. Bill Douglas’ 1930 Model A Pickup earned first place in the Favorite Car Category and Ken Kline’s 1928 Moldel A Ford took second place. Dave Hilstad got third with his 1036 Buick Coupe. Later in the day, six brightly colored VW-powered dune buggies from B.C. drew some attention when they pulled into the car show.
In addition to the car show, the kid’s games and the all-ages Challenge Games took place around the museum. Team Chuckessidan took first place with Chuck, Jessica and Sheridan. The Chesaw Cheaters, made up of Scott, Hunter and Kristana took second and The Hillclimbers with Phil, Hadassah and Ethan took third.
There were also several drawings throughout the day. The winner of the painting by Pat Rise was Mary Del Taubenheim, Jeanette Walker won the quilt done by Elva Helm and Floyd Rise won the horseshow art.
The presence of the actor Jack Black at the event caused somewhat of a sensation, especially amongst the younger festival-goers.