OKANOGAN – It looks like Ray L. Campbell is the new Okanogan County Commissioner in Position 2, according to the results of the manual recount released Tuesday evening, Dec. 4.
According to the official cumulative report from the Okanogan County Auditor’s office, Campbell defeated incumbent Don “Bud” Hover by just 10 votes. Campbell received 7190 votes and Hover 7180.
Prior to the hand recount, Hover was trailing eight votes behind Campbell, triggering the manual recount. Now that it is official, Campbell will join fellow Republicans Jim Detro, in Position 3 and recently elected Sheilah Kennedy on the three-member Board of Commissioners. Kennedy easily defeated Democrat Albert Roberts for Position 1 in the Tuesday, Nov. 6 election. The incumbent for the office, Andrew Lampe (R), was eliminated from the race in the primary election.
The recount was certified on Thursday, Dec. 6, at 10 a.m., according to Mila Jury, an election official with the auditor’s office.