Dansel fiscally responsible

Dear Editor,

Today when the financial soundness of our nation is in peril, fiscal responsibility is of the utmost importance and often a rare trait in our elected officials. Luckily we have someone running for 7th district senator that truly embodies fiscal responsibility: Brian Dansel.

As Ferry County Commissioner, Brian has passed a fiscally conservative budget each year he has been in office. He and fellow commissioners have run a budget surplus with diminished revenue – in an economically depressed county where only 17 percent of the land is even taxable. Ferry County commissioners have cut spending by combining purchasing, eliminating credit cards, and reducing government waste.

Is this not the behavior we want in our state legislature? Our current state representatives want more money, more taxes, and another legislative session. I think it is high time we send someone like Brian Dansel to the state senate. Join me in voting for Brian this November.


Glen Thompson

Kettle Falls, Washington