La Mar and Lorraine Wolley (left) have sold their interestin Oroville Transit Mix Inc. to their son Gordon and his wife Sheila. Thecompany started as a concrete business, but now is primarily a” title=”1086a” width=”” height=”” class=”size-FULL”>
La Mar and Lorraine Wolley (left) have sold their interestin Oroville Transit Mix Inc. to their son Gordon and his wife Sheila. Thecompany started as a concrete business, but now is primarily a
OROVILLE – As of this past summer, Gordon and Sheila Wolley are the sole owners of Oroville Transit Mix, Inc. that they purchased from La Mar and Lorraine Wolley.
The transaction included the purchase of the company stock held by Gordon’s parents who originally purchased the business from the Verbeck brothers and Bill Petry in 1967. At that time it was a concrete business, but through the years has evolved into a trucking company doing flatbed hauling of lumber and other products in British Columbia and the Western United States.
The new owners bring to the business their trucking company, Gordon Wolley Trucking, Inc., and the shop building they built in 2007.
“This has been a family business and will continue to stay in the family,” said the Wolleys in announcing the transfer of the title from one generation to the next.