Grateful for help with benefit

I would like to thank all of the wonderful folks that helped with the Ken (Doc) Taylor benefit dinner and auction that went off without a hitch. Without the generosity of the Historical Society, Chamber of Commerce and the Eagles Club of Oroville and Tonasket, this event would not have gotten off the ground. To all the folks who gave either cash donations or items for auction, I would like to extend a heart felt thank you to each and every one of you, thank you.

Without the help of “the committee” I would still be wandering around trying to figure out what to do. I humbly thank you folks for your fine effort and of course all the expertise and experience that you brought to the “table” for without you folks none of this would have been possible. I am thoroughly amazed at how smooth everything came together and how much fun everyone had that came to the event, all seemed to enjoy themselves. Further, to all the people that donated food and helped prepare and serve the food, which by the way was absolutely delicious, thank you.

Both Moe and I would like everyone that participated in this effort, from all the business owners, to the townspeople that found it in their hearts to help Ken and Vivian Taylor, to know that it appears the spirit of giving and caring is alive and well in the Town of Oroville and for this we are grateful.

Also, I would like to extend a thank you to the folks at the Gazette-Tribune for their support, thank you.

Bill and Moe Dowd
