Oroville MayFestival Queen Madison” title=”1879a” width=”” height=”” class=”size-FULL”>
Oroville MayFestival Queen Madison
OROVILLE – May Festival Queen Madison Hatch and Princesses Kelsey Hughes, Naomi Peters and Kylie Richardson invite everyone to celebrate the 77th Annual Oroville May Festival this weekend.
The theme for Oroville’s biggest celebration of the year is “Lakeside Paradise” reflecting the importance of Lake Osoyoos, which is so much a part of the community and the recreational opportunities it provides.
“We have a some new activities this year, including two dances… a formal dance following the coronation on Friday and a 50s Sock Hop on Saturday at the Shop Tavern,” said Peggy Smith, co-chairperson for the May Festival Committee. “There will also be four bounce houses at the high school for the kids.”
Shaw also suggested people be sure and take in the display by the Okanogan Borderlands Historical Society at the Oroville Depot Museum.
“It’s a wonderful tribute to our servicemen with military items provided from people from all over the community,” she said. “There is also a concert this year with performers from Canada called the Okanagan International Chorus and the various wineries will be hosting wine events as well.”
The weekend’s activities start out on Friday, with the Special Royalty Tea at the high school commons at 6 p.m. The tea is for all school, senior citizen and visiting royalty. The 2011 Coronation takes place at 7 p.m. when Queen Madi and her princesses will be crowned, flowed by a mini parade down Main Street. New for this year is a Formal Coronation Dance from 9:30 p.m. to midnight. The dance is open to the public.
Saturday’s events begin early with a bass tournament at Oroville’s Deep Bay Park on Lake Osoyoos. The fishing begins at 6 a.m. and the weigh-in is at 3 p.m. At 7 a.m. there’s a pancake breakfast at the American Legion Hall. Proceeds will go to the local Cub and Boy Scout Troops. The fun run starts at 8 a.m., as does the popular 3 on 3 basketball tournament (on the OHS tennis courts). The Farmer’s Market will also be happening in front of the library beginning at 9 a.m. and lasting until noon.
The big event, the Grand Parade starts at 10 a.m. and with floats, bands, classic cars, kids, civic, church and commercial entries. Following the parade the Oroville Fourth Graders will put on the traditional May Pole Dance at the High School Front lawn.
“New this year in the parade will be a motorcycle group with 75 bikes,” said Shaw. “We have quite a few parade entries already with more coming in every day.”
A special display, “Hats off to Service” a tribute to people who served the nation during conflict has been prepared at the Oroville Depot Museum, opening at 10 a.m.
Four bounce houses, including an obstacle course will be set up for the kids to use by the Oroville PTO as a fundraiser, starting at 11 a.m. Also starting at 11 a.m. is a wine tasting at the Okanogan Estate and Vineyards and Lake Crest Winery tasting room on Main Street. The Oroville Chamber of Commerce offers their annual barbecue starting at 11:30 a.m. From 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. the Cruiz-in Car Show takes place at the Shop Tavern/Subway parking lot. At noon the Masons will be hosting kid’s games at OHS Ben Prince Field. Starting at 1 p.m. Copper Mountain Vineyards will be hosting a wine even on the deck at Taber’s Taste of Summer Fruit Barn just north of town. Also new this year will be a concert starting at 2 p.m. by the Okanogan International Chorus at the high school commons. The 50s Sock Hop starts at 8 p.m. at the Shop Tavern rounding out the official May Festival activities on Saturday.
On Sunday, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Esther Bricques Winery, located south of town on Swanson Mill Road, will be holding a wine tasting. Also on Sunday, the Oroville Golf Course will host the annual May Festival Golf Tournament.