Shouldn’t have let warrants grow so far out of control
Having a quality hospital so closeto serve our communities is valuable in terms of the precious minutes saved intransport that can mean the difference between life and death in an emergencysituation. It is also great for the convenience it offers. Being able to do follow-upappointments at the hospital in Tonasket after a recent foot surgery, ratherthan having to drive to Brewster or Chelan each week, saves me time and money. Bharucha pointed out that the stateaudit that brought Sonntag’s criticism was for the time period of Jan. 1, 2008through Dec. 31, 2009 and that the district had paid down nearly $1 million inregistered warrants since that time. He predicts the district will catch up andbe back on track, although he says the picture concerning the state’s deficitand health care reform is still unclear.
Warrants are a fact of life for allthe rural hospitals in this county as a short-term solution to revenueshortfalls. However, the board and management of NVH owe it to those of us thathave taxed ourselves for the improvements to the hospital to make sure thedistrict regains its financial health and doesn’t get so far behind in thefuture – lives depend on.