Pacific Northwest Trail Association offering new maps

To give PNT’ers the most up-to-date and accurate information possible about the Pacific Northwest Trail, the PNTA has worked hard to develop an entirely new map set for the 2017 hiking season.
This map set features the most current primary route and recommended alternates available. Map pages indicate: bushwhacks, wildfire damage, and fire detours. They also point out former routes which have recently been closed by the USFS and PNTA, and explain how PNT’ers must now avoid trespassing in areas where access has changed, such as in Eureka (2016), Northport (2017) and Metaline Falls (2017).
This map set is designed to be used with Tim Youngbluth’s Pacific Northwest Trail Digest and will reference a common set of GPS waypoints used in the book. Melanie Simmerman’s Pacific Northwest Trail Town Guide also provides supplemental information about the major ‘trail towns’ along the PNT’s corridor.
The 2017 PNTA maps include basic route descriptions for 16 major alternates along the PNT and other critical information. The PNT Digest describes these alternates and trail conditions in greater detail. It also contains extensively field-researched notes describing trail conditions which support field navigation and provide other useful information.
Finally, 2017 PNTA maps will be available to use two ways: to print and use as a paper hard copy, or they may also be used as georeferenced pdf’s in cellphone apps like Avenza, which use the device’s onboard gps to show your present location on the maps.