Newly-appointed Interim CEO John McReynolds addresses the Board of Directors at their Nov. 30 meeting. Seated at the side table, center, is CFO Julie Leonard.
TONASKET – Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Julie Leonard resigned from her position at North Valley Hospital Friday, Dec. 1.
Her resignation comes on the heels of a Nov. 30 regular Board of Commissioners meeting in which John McReynolds, hired as a Chief Operating Officer (COO) this fall, was appointed Interim CEO, effective Dec. 1.
The board meeting opened with BOC Chair Helen Casey telling the packed house she was sorry there were no more chairs available, “but that’s just the way it is.”
Casey next informed community members there would be no opportunity for public input at the end of the meeting as regularly scheduled, nor was the public allowed to ask questions or make comments.
Following the 27-minute long board meeting, concerned citizens met inside the lobby of the hospital for 90 minutes.
Leonard, who began her position as CFO this past March, cited personal reasons for leaving in her resignation letter to Human Resources Director Jan Gonzales and Interim CEO McReynolds.
“I will not pretend to make up reasons, it is simple, I miss my husband, so we decided I will move home,” stated Leonard in her letter dated Dec. 1.
Her last day will be Dec. 15.
Please see the Dec. 7 issue of the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune for further details.