TONASKET – The evacuation shelter set up at the Community Cultural Center in Tonasket is still housing evacuees and feeding the masses three meals a day.
Donations of food and supplies have been generous but what they are most in need of right now are volunteers. Whether you prefer to be in the kitchen serving meals or cleaning up afterward; or helping in other ways the opportunities are endless. Contact volunteer co-ordinator Janet Culp at (509) 486-1328.
Donation distributor Susy King said a few items still needed are lanterns and flashlights with batteries, as well as personal first-aid kits to give out to people.
The shelter is looking for someone to donate space that office staff volunteers can set up in to address the long-term recovery needs of fire victims. Shelter co-ordinator Laurel Sylvan said she hopes to find a space that would have a kitchen, bathroom and showers although it would not be used as an overnight shelter.
Sylvan invited in the Red Cross to come in and do intake to assess needs of people coming in to the shelter so they can point clients towards local resources. Red Cross volunteers include Keith Cheek, Kelly Anderson, Jimmy Joines; along with Disaster Mental Health worker Diane Burnett and RN Leonida Chaudoin.