Bailey Griffin (far right) with the Kellogg’s film crew in the Tonasket Elementary School gym on Wednesday, Feb. 11. Griffin is one of four finalists for the Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes Earn your stripes (ESPY) program and has the chance to win the second an
TONASKET – The voting for Bailey Griffin’s Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes Earn Your Stripes video begins online on Monday, May 18.
In February, Bailey shot a video with the Kellogg’s crew for their Earn Your Stripes (ESPY) program as one of the finalists in the program. If Bailey’s video earns the most votes, she wins the second annual Youth Achievement Award at the 2009 ESPY Breakfast in Los Angeles the week of June 13.
“I think people should vote for Bailey because she personifies what the EYS Program is all about,” Julianna Griffin, Bailey’s mom, said. “She’s bright, spunky and optimistic and she likes to rub off on people.”
Bailey’s video will be loaded on May 18 onto the EYS ESPN hub, www.espn.com/earnyourstripes, where people will be able to watch Bailey’s video, along with the other three finalists, and vote once daily for their favorite finalist. Bailey’s mom said the voting should continue for about a month.
According to Kellogg’s, the EYS program was created by Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes “to encourage kids to eat right, word hard and take their game to the next level. Earn Your Stripes encourages kids to believe in themselves to overcome challenges, accomplish their goals and be their very best.”
Bailey, a 10-year-old fifth grader at Tonasket Elementary School, is eligible for this award through her participation in Girls on the Run which is sponsored nationally by Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes.
“I love doing Girls on the Run because I get to meet lots of people in grades three through five and I love all the games we play,” Bailey said. “I stay fit and healthy. I love getting rid of old, bad habits and replacing them with new, good ones. The coaches are really nice, they motivate me to run harder and alter my attitude. I’d really like to thank my coaches for helping me so much; altering my attitude while altering my life.”
Bailey said she would be “psyched” if wins.
“I’m going to be thrilled to go to L.A.,” she added. “I love traveling and I’ve basically been stuck in Washington my whole life. I would also be very, very honored to go to the ESPY Breakfast.”