OROVILLE – The Hart Agency in Oroville, has requested two 15-minute parking spots as there is often no parking space for those wanting to pop in to renew their vehicle tabs.
The request was made for Betty Hart, who runs the state’s vehicle licensing agency, at the Tuesday, Oct. 5 meeting of the Oroville City Council. She requested the parking spots for her customers who have a quick turn around time if they can find a place to park. However, parking is often taken up by private vehicles of those working at the U.S. Border Patrol office.
“We have two hour parking and it’s not enforced. The USPB uses the street for their private vehicles and the nearby residents do the same,” said Rod Noel, Superintendent of Public Works.
“Her business is quick turn around – the same for the PUD and City Hall. It is needed I think, on 12th it will have to be way back because of the turn lane,” Noel added. “We have sometimes had to call the Border Patrol to move their vehicles when we need to sweep or plow the street.”
Councilman Jon Neal said he thought the city’s police chief, Clay Warnstaff, should be consulted about enforcement before a final decision was made.
“It is also a manpower issue. We’ll have a conversation with Clay and run it by him,” Mayor Chuck Spieth said.
In a related issue, the city is close to working out a parking ordinance that takes up the issue of cars and other vehicles that are parked on the street for more than a 24-hour period, especially derelict cars, trucks, recreational vehicles, boats and trailers