Like its namesake, the Tumbleweed Film Festival has rolled back into town. And with two free and two paid events, there’s really no excuse not to venture out and give the promoters your support by attending one of the venues. It really is time we get behind Seattle filmmakers and TWFF founders Mo Fine and Geoff Klein and show them that their efforts are appreciated. They aren’t making lots of money off the festival by any means, but their love of the area and desire to give something to the community, keeps them coming back.
It’s not that the festival doesn’t have some die-hard fans, some movie-goers have been coming back year after year. But wouldn’t it be great if Oroville, Tonasket and Osoyoos could become at least a mini-Mecca for those who enjoy great short films from around the world. Like Sandy Lorentzen said to the Oroville Chamber of Commerce a couple weeks back, these are the kind of events that start small and with a little work from a few dedicated organizers can lead to really big things.
This year is unique in that there is a free family night at Veranda Beach Resort on Thursday. Bring the kids and for those old enough to remember, recapture what it was like to go to the local drive-in theaters, the Pow Wow in Oroville or the Silver Sage in Osoyoos. For the 21-and-over crowd, the Pastime Bar and Grill will also have a free movie night on Thursday featuring some of “Best of Fest” offerings from the three previous festivals held in Oroville. Now’s your chance to get a taste of what you’ve been missing.
These events are free and brought to you through the sponsorship of Veranda Beech and the Pastime. Why not show your appreciation by having dinner or an appetizer while you’re there?
And of course, the venues at Bart’s Alpine Brewing and Steve and Linda’s Esther Bricques Winery, Friday and Saturday, respectively, have proven to be most popular. You’ll have to buy a ticket (and the brewery is 21-and-over only), but going by festivals past you’re guaranteed to have a good time.
So why not try to take in several short movies. All too often we hear there’s nothing going on. The festival has something for every taste – the shorts will make you think and they’ll make you laugh. Let’s support our unique film festival so it can continue to grow into something we can all benefit from.
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