75 Years Ago, January, 1937
- The first heavy snow of the winter arrives the first of the week. Records show total precipitations for 1936 to be 9.77 inches as compared to the 8.27 inches received during 1935. Is the drought over?
- National Forest land increased by 2,668,869 acres during the past year, plus some 3,000,000 acres in Alaska that are not yet in the national forest.
- Advertisers included: (mostly provided to the newspapers in matt form from which lead castings were made for the press) Dress patterns, usually three different ones each week, available by mail for .$15 each.
- American Rand Corporation, which has been running the Wannacut mill for two months this year, has 26 on the payroll and will run all winter.
- There will be a meeting of the Oroville Telephone Company at the Town Hall on January 9, 1937.
- New, good houses are needed to keep up with the growing town. It seems definitely assured that things are on the upswing toward better, more modern homes
- Some of the local advertising shows the following: Economy Motors & Transfer for all of your freight needs; Dr. A.S. Watrous, Dentist; Adams Machine Shop; R. R. Kerkow and E. E. Efner, M.D.; Ike’s Grocery, syrup, 1 gallon, $.31; toilet tissue, 5 rolls, $.24; coffee, 3 pounds, $.87 and 4 1/2 pounds of buckwheat flour, $.29 and from Ben Prince’s Store, 2 pound jar peanut butter, $.28; oranges, $.10 per dozen; suede shoes, $.98. The bottom of the ad states “WE BUY FURS:, Barmon’s Mercantile, any hat $.69.
50 Years Ago, January 11, 1962:
- The Oroville Chamber of Commerce Banquet drew a full house at the installation of officers for the coming year. The officers were, H. Ben Holden, President; Gil Turner, Vice President; Bernice Marchant, Secretary-Treasurer; with Archie Shirley, Stafford Lewis, Tom Dull, Wayne Callison and Cleland Emry, directors.
- This Thursday evening will see skiers of the area out in force to take advantage of night skiing at SitzMark Ski area near Havillah. This is the first year for lights at the ski area.
- Grant Rainsberry, Commander of the American Legion, presented a new 8 x 12 ft. 50-star flag to Oroville High School’s Student Body President, Tom Buckmiller.
- Eleven inches of snow fell Saturday night and early Sunday morning in the Chesaw-Knob Hill country.
- Real Estate ads show 23 acres of orchard with a large home, good location, full line of machinery for $25,000 down and total price of $60,000.
- In the Food Line: Cascade Market- 10½ ounce Tomato soup, $.10; non-fat milk, 14 quart size, $.89; Prince’s IGA-clam chowder, 15 ounce, 4 for $.89.
25 Years Ago, January 16, 1986:
- For the time being, Mrs. LaRee Felt will keep her newly acquired position with the Oroville-Tonasket Irrigation District Board of Directors, despite an element of opposition to her being elected. She won with 366 votes by a narrow margin against incumbent Stan Nelson with 334 and Ken Balmes with 55.
- The Tonasket Tiger boys varsity had an important win over the Oroville Hornets Friday night by swatting them by a final score of 71-61. The Oroville Hornets won over the Cascade Kodiaks with a last few seconds play with a final score of 44-42.
- Real Estate: 1.27 acre, level, few apple trees, irrigation water, on the county road frontage, $24,000.00.
- January 23, 1986: Dr. Stuart Holmes can do 10 minutes of stand-up comedy, do a little jig, laugh, cry and appear grandfatherly all in a period of two hours. He and his wife Edith, were honored for their 37½ years of commitment to the North Okanogan County. At 71, and his arm in a sling, he entertained the group with is rendition of “The Mouse That Got Away”.
- Halley’s Comet’s last appearance appeared in 1910 and it must have been a sight. That year it passed closer to the earth and was perfectly visible with the naked eye. Several local seniors recalled watching that show. Three of those interviewed are from Oroville, Harry Shelling, 86 was 11; Nellie Raritan, 89 was 13; Lloyd Emry, 87, was 11 and the three from Tonasket were; Ted German, 98 was 23; Agnes Frantic, 97 was 11 and Dudley Bullock, 89 was 13. The comet will be visible again in March.