Field trip apositive motivational tool

Dear Editor,

I would like to respond to the letter in last week’s paper over the concern about “wasted gas used by our school, for a field trip to Spokane.”

All year long, a volunteer group of parents has been in place to help support the staff and students, and help raise funds for educational activities for our Oroville Elementary students, it is called E.P.E.C. Our goal is to bring awareness of just how important being involved in our student’s education really is. Students do better when they have the support from parents and their community.

We all would like to be recognized for our hard work, and rewarded for it. Why should our students feel any different? This particular field trip was used as a motivational tool to give the children a goal, because of their hard work in math, reading and science. Every class had a certain goal to achieve, and given a reward for it.

Anyone can “rent a movie, and make popcorn.” We are providing them the opportunity to have an educational experience that they may not get otherwise, and have some fun doing it. This class will be traveling over to Spokane’s IMAX Theater, and have lunch, then travel home again.

Now, I understand as a parent, you have the right not to allow your student to participate, but at what cost? They all worked very hard to meet their goals and this is our way to say thanks.

If there is a better way to motivate children, please share it. Time spent on fundraising, volunteering and donations were setup for these particular activities. I know that it has made my child excited about learning different subjects and gives her something positive to work towards.

Thank you,

Jennifer Finsen

Local Business Woman

Parent of Elementary


and President of EPEC